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Educating the whole child through student clubs and athletic programs continues to be important to us. In order for us to maintain our valuable and enriching co-curricular activities, while at the same time maintaining a balanced budget, students will be charged a non-refundable fee for participation in extra curricular activities.

The non-refundable fee for joining each club will be $15 and $50 for the Marching Band. There is no fee for non-sponsored clubs* or co-curricular clubs**. In addition any costs associated with the club will be paid for directly by students or through fund raising.

Parent Guidelines for Clubs and Activities

A2J: According to Jesus* Provides opportunities for students to learn and share different aspects of religion.
Academic Team Provides academic competition in math, science, government, sports, art, history and English. Students compete against students from other schools.
American Civil Liberties Union* To disseminate information regarding civil liberties issues present in society today. To promote discussion and awareness of these issues in a productive environment, ultimately resulting in a better-informed future generation of adults.

Amnesty International*
To end teenage apathy toward instances of human rights violations. To show teenagers that despite age restrictions, they can take action by working on an actual urgent human rights violation cases and contacting government.  To educate about human rights.
Anime Promotes an interest of anime, mangas, games and enhances interest in reading and drawing.

Art Honor Society
Extends classroom activities and experiences.  Provides inspiration and recognition to students who have shown outstanding art ability and have produced quality projects.
Asian American Studies Provides an opportunity for high school students to study the history of Asian American culture.
Chess Promotes higher order thinking skills, competition and sportsmanship.
Chorus** Provides opportunities for students to demonstrate knowledge achieved in music classes by performing in choral groups, presenting concerts for community events, PTA programs, etc.
Class Council (Senior) Plans and implements class activities and projects. Provides class activities, promotes spirit within the class.
Class Council (Junior) Plans and implements class activities and projects. Provides class activities, promotes spirit within the class.
Class Council (Sophomore) Plans and implements class activities and projects. Provides class activities, promotes spirit within the class.
Code Club Promotes interest and knowledge of computer science; participated in local hack-a-thons (24 hour programming competitions); and helps create a community for computer scientists.
Concert Band and Wind Ensemble** Provides students with an opportunity to perform in concerts & develop the skills they learn in music classes.
Coptic Club Promotes opportunities for students to learn about the culture of the Coptic religion.
Drama Club Extends classroom lessons and activities by providing opportunities for students to organize the technical aspects of play productions and perform.
eSports Club Promotes students the opportunity to become part of a team, learn from and educate each other, bond over shared interests.
EB TECS (East Brunswick Technology Education Community Services) Provides free computer training to senior citizens and other community members.  Skills taught include Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Internet navigation and email usage.
Family, Community and Career Leaders of America (FCCLA) Promotes personal growth and leadership. Develops life skills through activities designed for character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge and vocational preparation.
Folio Extends classroom activities. Provides students with an opportunity to contribute their written work and art work for publication.
French Honor Society Contributes to increased interest in the French customs, language & lifestyles. Recognizes exceptional achievement.
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Provides students with opportunities to learn how to develop business techniques and leadership abilities.
Gay and Straight Peers (GASP) Provides educational programs and holds meetings that will reduce prejudice and intolerance. Fosters support and understanding among all lifestyles.
German/German Honor Society Contributes to increased interest in the German customs, language & lifestyles. Recognizes exceptional achievement.
Hindu Club Provides an educational opportunity for high school students to learn abouth the Hindu culture and religion.
International Culture Club Provides students with an opportunity to discuss topics that help foster increased awareness of the ways different cultures influence our perceptions of self and others.

Intramurals Dance
Provides skill development in various sports and round robin tournament competition as an extension of the physical education and athletic programs.
Islamic Club* Provides an opportunity for high school students to study the history of Islam and to discuss current events.
Italian/Italian Honor Society Contributes to increased interest in the Italian language and extends and enhances classroom activities. Also provides activities and projects for Italian Honor Society students.
Jazz Ensemble Provides an opportunity for students to practice skills learned in music classes as they perform jazz music. Students audition and may participate in several student performances.
Jewish Culture Club* Provides an opportunity for high school students to learn about the Jewish Culture
Key Service Organization Provides students with opportunities for community service and related activities.
Marching Band The award winning East Brunswick High School Marching Band is a competitive unit open to all 8th-12th grade musicians enrolled in the school music program, as well as any student wishing to participate in the Colorguard.  All members participate in a 2-week camp in late August, bi-weekly rehearsals in the fall, all football games, and competitive shows throughout the fall.  Marching Band is considered a varsity activity and sign-ups occur in May/June each year.  Please e-mail Mr. Toth at or visit for further information.
Math Honor Society To recognize outstanding achievement in mathematics and further develop strong scholarship in the subject and to promote the enjoyment of mathematics.
Math Team Develops increased understanding and interest in mathematics and allows students to offer tutoring; provides competitive events for students in math.
Mock Trial Provides students with an opportunity to expand their knowledge of courtroom procedures and legal processes.
Model UN International Club** Provides students with opportunities to expand their knowledge of international issues and to become involved in activities related to Model UN programs.
Musicians/Tri M National Music Honor Society Extends classroom activities by furthering appreciation of classical music.  Provides a forum for showcasing the musical talents of students.In addition, the honor society allows students to be recognized for achievement in music.
National English Honor Society Unites high school students with high achievements in English language and literature, encourage interest in the English language arts and create community outreach programs.
National Honor Society (NHS) Promotes scholarship, service, leadership and character.
Orchestra** Extends and enhances classroom activities. Provides an opportunity for students to perform in an orchestra.
Political Club Brings awareness to students of the political process to promote a better understanding and involvement in local and state governments.

Students will be able to bond with others who share their dreams and determination for an extraordinary time of discovery, as they are welcomed to leading careers in medicine.  The purpose of the Pre-Medical Club is to allow EBHS students to gain a complete understanding of what doctors do, what medical school offers and whether medical practice is for them.
Psychology Extends classroom activities. Provides and fosters students interest in the field of psychology.
Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society Recognizes excellence in the field of Social Studies for juniors and seniors. This club will encourage interest in, understanding of, and appreciation for the social studies.
Robotics Provide real-world challenges through interscholastic competitions where students work together with professional mentors in order to manage an engineering project.
School Newspaper (Clarion) Provides an opportunity for students to use skills learned in English classes as they write, compile, edit and select articles for the newspaper.
Science Honor Society Will encourage scientific thinking and cooperation. This club will offer tutoring services for all science subjects and seek to increase public scientific understanding. Students will be required to complete community service.
Science Olympiad Team Extends knowledge learned in science and prepares the students for hands-on experience and knowledge-based activities to be used in a statewide competition at the high school level.
Science Team Extends and enhances classroom activities by providing opportunities for competition in chemistry, physics, biology.
Spanish Honor Society Contributes to increased interest in Spanish customs, language and lifestyles. Recognizes exceptional achievement.
Student Council Plans and implements school service projects that benefit the community. Coordinates school activities, student government, promotes school spirit. Serves as an extension of the social studies units on community and civics.
Students Against Violating the Environment (SAVE) Extends knowledge learned in the science classes by disseminating information on environmental problems and solutions throughout the school and community. Promotes environmental protection by implementing various programs.
Video Newsmakers  Provides students with an opportunity to produce, direct, write, and perform in videocassette news broadcasts.
Video Production Club Provides students an opportunity in all aspects of video production including storyboarding, scripting, videotaping, professional editing, live studio work, filmmaking, producing and directing.  They will produce content for our existing club "Video Newsmakers".  In addition, live events such as film festivals and other shows will be produced by the students.
Waksman Student Scholars** Provides students with the opportunity to conduct research on molecular genetics (DNA). Students work in collaboration with the faculty of Rutgers University Center for Molecular Biology.
Yearbook Provides students with an opportunity to use skills learned in art and English classes in order to produce a school yearbook.