Medications orders in school
Medication (prescription or over the counter) may not be carried by any student, regardless of their age, with the exception of an Epi PEn or an inhaler. Epipens and Inhalers may only be carried with proper medical documentation which must be on file and renewed every year.
Students needing Epi pens must have a Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan completed and renewed each school year. Students needing an inhaler must have an Asthma Action Plan completed and renewed each school year. The physician must indicate if the student can carry and self administer the epi pen or inhaler. There should be an extra Epi pen / inhaler in the nurses office, as well, in the event of an emergency.
All medication forms must be renewed every school year for any medication kept in school. The accompanying medication must be in a small, original container, with the student's name on the container and kept in the nurse's office. If the medication is a prescription, it must be sent in to school in the container from the pharmacy and kept in the nurse's office.